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Making Cultured Butter

Prep Time:

5 Minutes

Cook Time:



2 cups



About the Recipe

There are a lot of ways to make butter. Any way you can agitate heavy cream enough to separate the butter fat from the butter milk will work. Shake it like the dickens, churn it, or use a more modern method.

The most common ways to make butter in our modern world of fancy appliances is with either a stand mixer, food processor, or blender. It’s helpful if your equipment can adjust the speed it churns from high to lower as your cream turns to whipped cream and finally separates into butter.

Tips For Successful Butter Making:

In our experience there have been a couple key things that have made a big difference in butter making.

1. Pull your cream out of the fridge 2-3 hours before you want to make butter. Room temperature cream turns much more easily into butter than cold cream.

2. Wait until your cream is at least 2-3 days old before making butter. Sometimes if your butter is super fresh, it will be more challenging to turn into butter.

3. Cows on fresh grass make much better butter than cows on hay. This is one I had no idea about until we started making butter regularly. The texture of the butter when cows are on fresh green pasture is smooth, soft and creamy. You can still totally make butter if your cows are eating hay but the texture will likely be more crumbly and less creamy.


  • Raw Cream - 2 cups

  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon ( we recommend Redmond's real Salt)


Step 1

  • Remove cream from fridge 2 hours before you want to make your butter.

Step 2

  • Pour cream and salt into a standing mixer. On a medium low speed, fixed with a whip attachment, begin to mix the cream. Over time it will begin to thicken and resemble whipped cream. Continue mixing until the whipped cream "breaks" and the butterfat has seperated from the buttermilk.

Step 3

  • Once cream has fully separated out the fat globules from buttermilk, turn off the mixer. Pour the contents of your mixer through a fine mesh strainer lined with a cheese clothe, catching the butter in your strainer and collect your buttermilk in another container below.

Step 4

  • When you have all of your butter in the strainer, you want to remove as much of the remaining buttermilk as possible. Do this by cooling the butter down right away. You could submerge your butter in an ice bath but I prefer to form it into a ball and run it until cold water. ( use RO water if available ) Gently squeeze any remaining buttermilk out.

Step 5

  • Put butter and reserved buttermilk into containers of choice and refrigerate until ready to use.

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