Regenerative organic agriculture is the practice of cultivating by avoiding the tillage
of soil, which allows microorganism to prosper under the soil. The great benefit of
this method is that it requires no use of pesticides and fungicides. The
microorganisms are responsible for absorbing massive amounts of carbon
dioxide as carbon is converted into microbial organic matter. To put things
into perspective, if all the agricultural fields in the world started using
regenerative agriculture, they would absorb more Co2 than the world’s
oceans combined with all of the trees in the world. Regenerative agriculture
also increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances
ecosystem services. In regenerative agriculture, fields are always planted with
crops, or if they are not, cover crops are allowed to grow. These types of crops limit
the loss of soils and nutrients by recycling the nutrients, which reduces the need for
input nutrients like nitrogen and limits water loss, decreasing water evaporation as
the soil has a better water holding capacity.
Carbon Absorption
Moreover, farmers using regenerative agriculture recommend letting animals like
cows, sheep, chickens and pigs roam over their fields in a controlled way, so that
these animals fertilize the fields naturally. An extremely positive aspect of this
method is that when animals are reared using regenerative agriculture, the animals
being reared can be considered to be “carbon negative” as they grow as part of a
carbon absorbing cycle. With this in mind, even cattle, which is currently considered
to be a highly carbon intensive source of meat, can actually absorb carbon if it is
raised using the regenerative system. Regenerative agriculture can also reverse
desertification, as shown in Kenya by Alan Savoury, who owns a productive 200-
acre plot of land surrounded by arid and unusable soil. On the contrast, traditionally
tilled solid tends to degrade quickly and then become unfertile, eventually leading
to desertification as the area loses nutrients and receives increasingly lower
amounts of rain due to the lack of moisture evaporating from that type of terrain.
This process has been occurring even faster in the last century as we use soil more
intensely and we deplete its fertile capabilities by tilling and by using fertilizers and
An Economically Efficient Agricultural Mode
Lastly, when looking at regenerative agriculture as a solution, one must consider its
economic aspect. Interestingly, this solution reveals to be widely scalable as its
economic benefits outweigh other agriculture methods. Regenerative agriculture is
estimated to generate nearly a doubling in profit per acre since it generates savings
from the non-reliance on classical inputs and machinery. Many often dismiss
organic regenerative agriculture because it leads to lower yields, but this is a
misconception as the studies comparing regular and organic agriculture have been
conducted in such a way that practices used in organic farming replicate
conventional farming.